The mathematician
Professor Walter Buchholz
The geographer
Professor Dr. Dr. Edgar Lehmann
The cartographer
Ing. Kart. Max Hann
The meteorologist
Professor Dr. Heinz Fortak
The biologist
Professor Dr. Walter Zimmermann
The oceanographer
Professor Dr. Gunther Krause
The physicist
Professor Dr. Pascual Jordan
The economist
Professor Dr. Wilhelm Hankel
The intenational jurist
Professor Dr. Norman Paech
The historian
Professor Dr. Fritz Fischer
The expert in didactics
Professor Adolf Witte
The pedagogue
Professor Dr. Hermann Venedey
The peace-researcher
Professor Wolf Graf von Baudissin
The socially-psychologist
Professor Dr. Ernest Borneman
The theologian
Dr. Hans W. Florin
Professor Dr. Karl Rahner S. J.
The geologist
Professor Dr. Siegfried Rösch
The philosopher
Professor Dr. Bruno von Freytag-Löringhoff
The media-researcher
Professor Dr. Henry R. Cassirer
The publicist
Professor Dr. Harry Pross
The economic-geographer
Professor Dr. Albert Kolb
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Copyright © Jürgen Heyn 2001, All rights reserved
Date of last amendment: 14. Februar 2001