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When Prof. Dr. Arno Peters introduced his "Peters-Map" in 1967 in a lecture given to the Hungarian academy of the sciences in Budapest, he used an approximation formula for the calculation of the area of an ellipsoid zone:


Later Prof. Dr. Walter Buchholz derived another formula for an expert's opinion about the "Peters-Map"


Quotation: "Mathematical derivation of the exact formula for the construction of the "Peters-Map" and all single maps created by Arno Peters on the basis of his projection principle ("Semi axis-Projection"). The result of this formula is the area of the ellipsoid zone between any desired latitudes from which the grid meshes of the Peters-Projection will be constructed.

The above mentioned quotation is originally published in German and has been translated by myself.

I transferred this formula into a little program:

At this point I would like to suggest my internet page regarding this subject to uninformed but interested persons.

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Date of last amendment: 04. Januar 2003